Private Counseling

Stephen private Therapy client quote

Effective private counseling weaves the strengths and challenges of an individual, objectively for maximum value. It's common for some people who have been in counseling, or in coaching sessions to stop, because they don't feel like anything is happening. These people don't feel like they are discovering anything practical to make their lives better. Consequently, they don't experience any real personal growth. Why?

Dr. Martin Seligman, author of Authentic Happiness, says in his book, that psychotherapy has failed, because there has been an obsession with the negative, dwelling on blame and shame, and completely ignoring the fact that we have a positive side. In other words, if the process of personal growth counseling is going to be effective it must embrace the whole person, not just the negative, and not just the positive.

The art of Private Counseling is being able to access the negative and positive characteristics of an individual, objectively. In other words, utilizing a personal growth development system that doesn't rely on the bias about the individual --- which may be unconsciously held by a counselor, coach or teacher --- and a method that doesn't rely on the incomplete, or distorted story the client may have about herself. Getting an objective, accurate picture of the authentic wholeness of the individual is essential to the beginning of any personal growth development.

private Therapy door knob

Success - Two Influences

In Private Counseling there are two primary influences for the success in the counseling relationship. One influence is the counselor, and the other is the client. Barbara was able to assess the above client's pain and potential, primarily because the client was clear, open, honest and exceptionally motivated.

For some individuals, the understanding and progress will not be as rapid, because the clarity about oneself, or openness, or motivation may be unconsciously blocked. So it's very important to understand that for personal growth to be effective, and rewarding, you, the client must be committed, because no counselor, no matter how gifted, can make you grow.

Barbara's counseling style has been described as an emotional healer. She works with people to uncover their deep-seated emotional wounds to release and express the hurt, pain, anger and joy. There's an open invitation to be yourself at all times, which means you are continuously invited to be yourself --- brilliant or bummed.

Healing Conditioning - Moving Into Wholeness

For many, childhood conditioning prevented the expression of wholeness, which in turn led to shutting down emotionally, and being cut off from the real truth about who we really are. Out of necessity we have adapted to life with the best defenses possible to compensate for our pain. The good news is, in spite of an individual's painful history, there's still an awareness that something better is possible, which is probably why you're reading this website right now.

Many of Barbara's clients will tell you that when you work with her, you're in the presence of someone who is spacious and encouraging you to speak your truth. Subsequently, what begins to happen quite spontaneously is you begin to feel an aliveness that you knew before the limits of parental wounding locked you up in your internal prison.

As you may have read on other pages of this site, knowing your Enneagram Point facilitates a connection and foundation between you and Barbara that otherwise could take weeks, months, or maybe never working with another counselor.

Treat yourself to a Private Counseling with Barbara, and see for yourself. If you would like more information about what it's like to work with Barbara, you might want to review the Phone Counseling page, and the Typing Session page for more details about personal growth counseling and personal growth development.

schedule a session or Call 541-318-1981